Hi, I’m Justin!

Product Designer | Film Photographer Snob*  | One Bag Traveller (on hold)

Wherever you may be, I hope you are staying safe and healthy.  👍️

I love working on teams to solve problems by creating product solutions that align to both business metrics and UX outcomes. It’s always tempting to focus on short-term solutions but by really digging deeply into user pain points and talking to all stakeholders, I believe that it’s always better for the business in the long run to create an intuitive and delightful user experience.

  1. *Kidding - but I did recently get back into film photography and have amassed four point and shoot cameras. I enjoy the limitation of it compared to digital photography because I take one shot and then just experience the moment versus taking multiple shots for maybe incrementally better photos.
  2. I am trying to learn Japanese
  3. I can’t wait for warmer weather so I can wear my Sabahs. I have 4 pairs and am resisting a 5th.
  4. I switched to iPhone this year since the Pixel 5 was subpar. I have to say, I think Android does a lot better but it is nice to be in group chats now...

I like taking pictures on Instagram.